A recent survey discovered that 87% of all Indian college graduates are not industry ready. This is because conventional Indian colleges only focus on theoretical lectures, textbooks and exams which only build memorization but not the skills needed by Indian employers.

ask.CAREERS education model, called the “Responsive Learning System,” has been proved to graduate the most industry ready job candidates in India.


Student to Career Goal Alignment

Student to Career Goal Alignment

We sit with you to understand your career goals, and then together create a personal career roadmap that guides you towards developing the required qualities for your desired job.



We have worked with employers to understand the specific attitudes, skills and knowledge (ASK) needed to perform well in management roles in various industry sectors. Our ask.BENCHMARKS measures you on these parameters and shows you what you need to develop to get the career of your dreams.

These parameters are:

  • Professional Work Ethic (Attitude)
  • Self-Starter Ability (Attitude)
  • Team working Ability (Attitude)
  • Written & Oral Communication (Skills),
  • Problem Solving Ability (Skills)
  • Industry Domain Knowledge (Knowledge)

Practical Hands-on Learning to develop attitudes, skills & knowledge

Practical Hands-on Learning to develop attitudes, skills & knowledge

Along with measuring your attitudes, skills & knowledge; our Responsive Learning System helps you build them further through a fun and challenging process. All our faculty have worked in industry & coach our students instead of just giving boring lectures. Our classroom sessions combine online content via our ask.CAREERS smartphone app with offline workshops, simulations and live projects.

Targeted Internships & Placements

Targeted Internships & Placements

Unlike many other institutions, we do not place you in whatever company is most convenient. We understand your needs & strengths, based on the ask.BENCHMARKS system and match you to the job that is most suited to you. This ensures that you are successful over the long term as you are working in a role that you enjoy and which suits your strengths.

The following table shows how the Responsive Learning System differs from conventional Indian education
Mapping Strengths to Career Goals
Personal Career Counseling
Personal Mapping of Internship & Placement
Experiential Learning
Assessment Methods
Building Attitudes & Skills
Industry Mentors
Industry Connect
Yes – Each student given pathway for own career based on likes and strengths No
Yes – Students counseled every semester as per career goals No
Yes – Each student matched with companies based on personal career goals No
Yes – Many management games, simulations, role plays & live projects in curriculum Little or None
Corporate Focused – Mainly live projects, presentations & written assignments Academics Focused Mainly exams
Yes – Training to build leadership, professionalism, problem solving & communications No
Global – Inputs from companies worldwide & from India into courseware Local – As per Indian academic standards
Yes – Students given projects under industry mentors No
Many – Confederation of Indian Industry, Harvard Business Publishing, EduQual, London School of Marketing, Anglia Ruskin University, Google, Facebook & Youtube Few or None


Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing
Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing
Certificate in Business English
Certificate in Business English
4-IN-1 Professional Diploma in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (PDBFSI)
4-IN-1 Professional Diploma in Banking, Financial Services & Insurance (PDBFSI)