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August 07, 2017


“The search for space outside must begin with a search inside to explore a world of ideas
which gravitate and orbit inside our minds” – Javed Sajawal

I want you to take a moment and think about Space. As described ‘The Final Frontier’ in the
television series ‘Star Trek’ or a ‘Galaxy Far Far Away’ in the popular Star Wars saga,
different versions different interpretations. So, what does space represent to us as humans,
as a species or even as an individual?

To some it represents the sky above. To some it’s the background for their science projects.
To some like me it’s the playground for science fiction. To Infinity and Beyond. Boldly go
where no human has gone before. Science Fiction has always been a fascination since my
early days of the Millennium and reading H.G Wells. The First Men on Moon, to me is
reading and viewing George Miles classic film adaptation. This followed by the adventures of
Captain Kirk and the Enterprise, the Skywalkers and their rebellion against the Galatic
Empire; which not only increased my love for science fiction, but also put me on a journey
to find more about space or at least watch a lot of space movies.

After Watching a lot of adventures in space and invaders from other planets and cosmic
systems I wanted to also understand the Cosmic connection of science and fiction.
Immersing into some literature of Asimov and Conan Doyle to Authur C Clarke, Ray
Bradbury and Philip K. Dick the hunger for story was satiated but something kept telling me
to have a second filling or at least one more filling. But not fiction. It had to be something
different. My friend suggested Michou Kaku. Really, an Astrophysicist. Yes, and he handed
me a volume of ‘Physics of the Impossible’. Read on. Well it didn’t start well in the first 50
pages but later I was just immersed in all the explanation about science and technology and
science fiction and movies and reality, most importantly Space. And why, when, what,
where and how we should explore.

The book changed my perspective of identifying why space has to be included in a story of
fiction and more importantly how does it work for your characters. This collection of words
made me think about space and the possibilities of what space explorations means to the
scientific community, to the space research programs, to the conspiracy theorists who claim
that are we alone or not, or whether the moon is actually an observatory in space which has
been looking upon us since the dawn of time.

To think that in this universe we are all residing on the pale blue dot as defined by the
visionary called Carl Sagan. To think that we exist on round piece of stone circling around an
elliptical galaxy but merely existing as small as a speck of sand in this colossal space
functioning within the continuum of time.

Where must this journey start, inwards or outwards into space. And do we have the time as
a species.

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