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Diary Entry #1 R-Day Lunch with the True Republicans at TSCMC

October 20, 2016

Diary Entry #1 R-Day Lunch with the True Republicans at TSCMC

It’s that time of the year again when the country celebrates another Republic Day with the annual dose of nationalistic sentiments. TSCMC decided to host an open conversation with those who make this nation the republic that it is.

In an attempt to felicitate the defenders of India, the educators, the judiciary and the media, TSCMC organised a session with representatives of these. Major Vinay Degaonkar, Advocate Vedchetan Patil, and senior journalist and communication expert, Smita Deshmukh engaged an enthusiastic discussion with the media students over lunch. The topic centred on the ‘Equation of Rights and Duties in India’, which also covered the Constitution’s importance in contemporary times.

The free flowing interaction began on a note of opinion formation suggested by Advocate Patil. While students believed that television panel debates and new age social media platforms have become a major source of influencing public opinion. TSCMC students put forth the necessity of opinions as a civilian. As one of our AD and PR student put it, “I’m one of the idiots who lives here. So I have the right to know how and how significantly the pillars of our democracy are functioning!”

Politics, law making and subjectivity of morality soon came into the arena, and Smita Deshmukh pointed out that, “Governance and social development initiatives are based about priorities but one needs to consider the factual process” while formulating an opinion about these.

The next question discussed was the army man’s perspective on public opinion, especially with respect to defence policies. “When you’re at the front, all you are involved in is your duty. We are given instructions not to discuss political matters and we remain impassive, even as our own hometowns are under threat. I do remember being swayed when we caught snippets of news but next morning, we are back up with the gun,” said Major Degaonkar.

Taking the discussion further, AD and PR student asked how difficult it is to keep up the motivation while the civilians take a Braveheart’s life for granted. The Major highlighted that it’s not easy to safeguard a country driven by democratic attitudes, where we keep hearing news from home and we need to remain focused. In fact, he agreed that it is highly challenging to settle as a civilian after leading such a disciplined life.

The session also touched upon some path breaking agendas, which only a bold media school such as TSCMC could host. A merge of these spheres brought to life the essence of our Republic within the four walls of a TSCMC classroom. What better way to understand the rights and duties of India than interact with the voice of the nation itself. Jai Hind.

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