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Diary Entry #4 Who Wears The Pants In The Media Industry?

October 20, 2016

Diary Entry #4 Who Wears The Pants In The Media Industry?

0Surprised as you may be, throughout my 22 year career as a journalist, I did not face gender discrimination.

I’m asked – who wears the pants in the media industry? The question itself is a clichéd – as if pants symbolise a sense of masculinity that automatically takes up a leadership role. In media (and I have experienced it myself) it is all about the perspective laced with 24×7 decision-making quality – something we define as a ‘call’ that makes a good or a bad journalist. Frankly, gender has nothing to do with it.

I began my career in 1989 when the typewriter was at its fag end and basic computers had arrived in the newsrooms.  I remember with immense fascination when that little toy called a pager came along. We fought over the numerical one and the other which could read messages.

The career phase in which I learned the most, had fun, made friends for a lifetime and above all broke some incredible stories was that period in The Times of India Group when I was surrounded by women –  the editor-in-chief, city-editor, features editor, head (marketing) and so many colleagues were women! In fact, the men would often complain that they were feeling “suffocated” on that infamous fifth floor. We brought out a kickass weekend paper called ‘The Metropolis on Saturday’ – a eclectic mix of breaking news, features and above all investigative stories.

These women on top were equally demanding in terms of work, but the news debates were outstanding, sharpening our skills on journalistic fundamentals, ethics and gender. The atmosphere was such that every idea was discussed, opportunities were given across the board and the production day was nightmare with all women bosses waiting till wee hours in the morning till the paper was laid to rest. Once it was done, we were all friends – eating, drinking and yes, even shopping together.

Are women journalists as good as their male counterparts? I would rather say that are better in terms of dealing with sensitive, controversial issues by putting them into perspective and sometimes adding that much-needed empathetic input in human interest stories. I have worked with some fabulous women editors with outstanding leadership qualities – women who had great careers and family lives.

As a city editor, I would be often called by my owner of a big newspaper to give my opinion on page 1 stories. My selection as well as rejection would bring a faint smile on his face. “I understand where you come from, Smita,” was the answer when I persisted on knowing what that smile meant.

Here is good news – women in media today are not asking their seniors to treat them equal. Change is around the corner, which means newsrooms discriminating or protecting any unfair act towards women will be exposed. Voices against sexual harassment are now loud and clear.

But as the media scene changes, the challenges are enormous. Journalists now have to juggle between print, audio visual and online platforms all the time. The marketing jargons are increasingly discussed in the newsrooms and the top editorial post is also offered to those who understand the business of media. And somehow a section of the boy’s club feels women ain’t good at this.

This surprises me as I see so many women taking charge of media communications companies – an industry I’m closely associated for past seven years. Many are former journalists who pitch stories and business plans with equal ease.

I’m sure change is around, it is just a matter of time that owners realise that women in newsrooms is not just the right thing to do, it also makes solid business sense.

Happy Women’s Day to you all!

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