Given Up On Your New Year Resolutions? Perhaps You Should Have Made Some Realistic Ones!
January 30, 2014
What is the reason then that these resolutions are not taken seriously…?
When people make resolutions, they tend to make it general, like “Lose Weight”. But does it specify how, how much, when, or how many inches or kilograms to reduce? We don’t make the exact resolution. As a result, we tend to stop taking it seriously and stop working on it.
Another reason for breaking a new year’s goal is that it is relatively easy to break than to accomplish it. People think that breaking the resolution is easier than to continue achieving it.
Is it because you are not getting any remuneration? You will not be judged? Or that there’s no one to monitor you, hence no one will say “your day’s target is not accomplished”?
Have we ever wondered why we make resolutions? Why do we only abide by it for a small period of time? Why do we make resolutions that we are not going to follow? Is it just for the sake of saying yes, that even I have made a resolution, or to show off to your friends? Or is it that making promises to yourself is more important than accomplishing those commitments?
Here are a few resolutions which are commonly made on New Year’s Eve:
• Join a gym to lose weight
• Go to yoga classes regularly
• Quit alcohol and smoking
• Start focusing more on my diet
• Will start going to bed early
These are some of the common resolutions. But why don’t we make some new and creative resolutions?
Realistic resolutions –– Don’t make a resolution just in the air, instead make it more realistic
Soak up new skills – Learn new things, as there are no barriers to learn new skills or creativity
Fun with family – Try and spend some time with your family
Wowed by wonderlust – if you are fascinated with exploring new places and love traveling, go for it!
Relive your childhood – Make some time and relive your childhood days
Positive approach to your life – Have a positive and new outlook towards life
Learn a language – Make a change and try to acquaint yourself with new languages
Groom yourself green – Bring some plants home and plant them, spend some time gardening
Give up on bad habits and pep up your parents – Get rid of your bad habits. Also, surprise your parents or do something that makes them feel happy.
So don’t make resolutions just for the sake of making it. Make them if you really feel it and think you will follow them. Welcome all the opportunities coming your way and accept them with open arms. Acceptance is one of the good and the best habits one can have.