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TSCFM’s New Batch of PGDBM Students Get Acquainted Through Management Games

August 19, 2013

TSCFM’s New Batch of PGDBM Students Get Acquainted Through Management Games

Hearing the inspiring words of Akhil Shahani, Managing Director, CFM, and Krishna Ram, Campus Head, certainly made the students feel confident of the coming two years which will shape their careers and their futures. This was followed by an ice-breaking session and some fun management games – led by faculty members Sweta Menon and Anshu Singh – to help the students get to know one another.

The ice-breaking session began with a simple introduction where students introduced themselves to the class. Each had to describe themselves using one adjective that best suited them. This was followed by the common trait game, wherein students were divided into groups and each group came up with the traits that all the members of that group shared in common. The objective of the game was to help the students see that they were not very different from each other and develop the beginnings of a friendship. Most of the students enthusiastically participated in the game and displayed great team spirit.

In another enlightening game called ‘Make a Change’, the students secretly made small changes to their personality e.g. changing their hair, removing their wristwatch etc., which their team members had to catch. As the faculty members explained, the objective of this game was to drive home the point that as one moves up the education/corporate ladder, changes will be constant and the ability to adapt to these changes will be key.

However, if there was one game that was appreciated most by everyone, it was ‘Expressions’. It consisted of one student enacting a scene through actions. Gradually, as other group members understood his/her cues, they too would join in the scene, without saying a word! This game saw some leaders standing out, and there was good use of co-ordination and non-verbal communication.

The ‘What’s on Your Mind’ game was equally entertaining, as professors Ms. Menon and Ms. Singh shot a series of questions to the students to determine their presence of mind, creative ability, out-of-the-box thinking etc. The game evoked quite a few giggles among the students!

As the session came to a close, it felt like the students had known each other for much longer than just a day! Let’s hope this camaraderie is a sign of wonderful things to come for the new batch of PGDBM students… we wish them all the best!

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