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Digital Photography Vs Film Photography: Which is Better?

August 16, 2018

Digital Photography Vs Film Photography: Which is Better?

Photography is one of the oldest forms of art in the world. Since the first partially successful photograph of a camera image was made in circa 1816, it’s at least 200 years old. A lot has changed during this period with the biggest change being the advent of digital photography. The question is- is it better than traditional photography, i.e., film photography?

Let’s consider all the features of both options.

  • Digital Photography

One of the biggest changes that digital photography brought was that it made photography more accessible and affordable. This is because even though few people buy expensive DSLR cameras today, almost everyone has a smartphone which allows them to take photographs on the go.

Digital photography has done wonders for professional photographers too. Now, they don’t have to worry about buying a number of film rolls each of which would usually allow them to take no more than 20 photographs.

Digital cameras use memory cards which can save hundreds of high-quality images at a time without any problem. Similarly, editing the images is a breeze with software like Photoshop and Lightroom.

  • Film Photography

Although film photography is old, it’s still used in many places. For instance, investigators across the globe often use traditional cameras as the images taken with them can’t be manipulated as easily as their digital counterparts. Since the processed photos also have the negatives, one can compare the real images with them to ensure that no tampering has been done.

Some professional photographers prefer film cameras as they believe their images are more natural and detailed since there are no pixels involved. Also, since one has to be extra careful with these cameras as each image counts, they can also help to develop their eye and learn to take the work more seriously.

Comparing both types of photography, it’s safe to say that each one has its benefits. However, more people use the former than the latter as digital photos are faster to capture and edit which is really important in almost every industry today.

Want to Know More about Professional Photography Course?

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