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Interesting Ways to Publish Social Media Updates

March 26, 2019

Interesting Ways to Publish Social Media Updates

One of the most important things that you need to do in social media marketing is sharing interesting/educational/promotional posts with your followers through your various social media accounts.

The following are some of the best ways to stay active on social media with fresh updates:

1. Fun Contests and Giveaways

Hosting an interesting contest on social media is a good way to attract new users and increase customer engagement. That said, it’s best to pick a format that encourages the participants to tag their friends to increase their chances of winning. This is because, in this way, the contest can reach a wider market.

2. Q&A

You can invite a subject-matter expert or a celebrity to manage your social media account for some time during which they can introduce themselves to your followers and answer their questions in real-time. They can also go live via video streaming for better results.

3. Company Milestones

Did your company just complete 10 years in the industry or processed its 100,000th order? Why not celebrate the event with your fans on social media? Important milestones like these can always be shared with your fans on social media.

4. Memes

There is no reason to be formal and proper on social media at all times. By showing the fun side of your company you can win over a large number of people, and trending memes are a great way to go about it. You can also share jokes or witty one-liners especially when they are about your industry.

Social media marketing is much more than publishing status updated on a regular basis. If you want to learn advanced techniques to take your campaigns to the next level, then you can check out the professional diploma program in digital marketing here.

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