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Top HR Trends to Look for in 2019

March 27, 2019

Top HR Trends to Look for in 2019
Change is the only constant in this world, and the HR domain is not impervious to it either. As the way how companies are operated is changing with time, new trends have emerged in the recruitment sector. The following are some of the major ones that you can expect to see this year:

Constant Re-Skilling 
Professionals in almost every industry are no longer confined to fixed roles. As the market dynamics are changing, they are required to reskill themselves to stay relevant and get some of the best jobs that are available. In fact, HR analysts say that modern HR departments are making it a priority to help their workers acquire new skills.  

Emergence of AI
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is not that smart to actually replace human workers. However, it’s made huge progress in the past few years and even beat the human world champion of the game Go which is a major accomplishment.
This year, AI may become an important part of the HR departments across the globe and start handling the tedious and time-consuming processes in HR so that the executives can have more time for processes that need a human touch.

Removal of Unconscious Bias
More and more companies have started promoting diversity in the workplace. However, personal bias continues to influence the hiring activities which goes against the philosophy that the forward-thinking companies have created. However, experts believe that this year the companies may start using new technologies and tools to remove bias from the recruitment process by as much as 30-35%. 

Are you looking to get an MBA degree in HR? If you want one that’s affordable but offers tons of value, then you can get it from a well-known UK university. We are offering the course online here

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